Bandit Grinders For Sale

A popular landclearing horizontal grinder, the Bandit Beast has been clearing land for more than 20 years. The new 32 tooth count rotor seems to add to its popularity. The Bandit Beast offers an aggressive downswing mill and comes in a handful of models.  Infeed table retraction makes it easier to service the mill. The 3680 Beast outfitted with 700 HP has been a welcomed combination for many clearing, tree, fuel chip and mulch companies alike. Bandit offers several hammer tip styles for the Beasts. You may even find a Beast horizontal grinder with a shingle package for grinding shingles and wood waste.

High production, horizontal grinder. Great for Florida palms, big clearing jobs and sawmill waste.  Twin disc hydraulic clutch. More pics and info coming soon. A couple of walk around videos available.

Asking Price : $329,000
Horsepower :
Type : Horizontal Grinders

Nearly new 615 sized trommel screen. Super low hours. Have two conveyors, both 17″ long. One for overs and one for finished product. Two drums. Easy drum changes. One is 3/4″ and one is 1/2″.  Punch plate style screens. Screen just about anything. Brush is in excellent shape. Nice hopper size. Pintle tow. Short videos … Continue reading “2019 Bandit Pronar PT6”

Asking Price : $144,900
Horsepower : 75
Type : Other

Just Reduced!  HPTO Clutch. Newer:  clutch bearings, several hydraulic hoses, drive belts, clutch drive pulley, belly belt, holders, some mill box work, etc. Reworked the middle six augers under the mill. Murphy system is displaying “no data” but runs great. Lights are good. Cross Belt Magnet is NOT included.  Located in Canada for anyone not … Continue reading “2005 Bandit 4680”

Asking Price : $
Horsepower : 850
Type : Horizontal Grinders
Bandit Grinders Sold
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