Below, you’ll find a list of new and used cone screw spitters or shears. Why do want to split logs and large wood chunks? Grinding is expensive!
You split wood to make pieces more manageable. Big guys split wood to make their tub or horizontal grinder or their shredder MORE PRODUCTIVE. It’s much EASIER on the grinder to hit lighter-weight pieces. I always parallel the grinding process to a carpenter driving a large nail with a small hammer. It might work for a while but you’re going to get tired quickly. Being MORE PRODUCTIVE means faster production. Faster production means fewer hours on your grinder. You’re saving money!
Cone screw splitters can be run on mini skids, skid steers, track hoes, loaders, etc. The equipment doesn’t necessarily need to be large in order to be productive. You also don’t necessarily need to have high-flow hydraulics. Cone screws are pretty maintenance free units.
You may choose to run a shear. That’s fine. You may choose some other splitter more like you might use for firewood. That’s fine too. The concept is the same. We don’t recommend using an auger drive for a cone screw splitter because they can’t handle the side load forces created when using a screw splitter. You’ll typically spend a lot of time working on it.
These are hydraulic drive log and stump splitters. The cone-shaped stump splitters allow you to split stumps and logs into pieces so your tub grinder or horizontal grinder can grind them more quickly and easily. The H.F.800 is the excavator model that replaced the H.F.500 and H.F.600. The H.F.800 has more torque and speed along with … Continue reading “Log Stump Splitters by U.S. Pride Products”